Tuesday 6 October 2015

Outline of Days of Hajj

These are the days that can change lives forever. For me it was a personally touching experience. Hajj taught me many things  - foremost is the willingness to sacrifice the worldly comforts for the pleasure of Allah Rabbal Alameen. Patience - it is the name of the game as far as Hajj is concerned. It is highly improbable one goes to Hajj and returns without any practical touching experience in patience - I had mine, and I thank Allah for that.

Outline of Hajj Days

Q: What are the days of Hajj?
A: Starting with 8th - ending with 13th Zul Hajj. (13th Zul Hajj is optional as per the Quran)

Remember well, Islamic day ends at Sunset, and new day starts after it. Consider Maghrib salaat as marker for one day to end and new day to start. Just to elaborate with example - 8th Zul Hajj will actually start after Maghrib on 7th Zul Hajj. So in Islamic calendar, night of a date comes first and then the day !!

Q: What to do on 8th Zul Hajj?
A:  Trim nails, shave unwanted hair, clean yourself well, apply perfume before wearing clean Ihraam. Go into state of Ihraam saying Intention aloud.

Intention of going into State of Ihraam for Hajj or Umrah

This is normally done at your accommodation/ hotel. Reach Mina anytime between Fajr and Maghrib. Entire day is Sunnaah and there is no harm if whole day is missed due to any valid reason. This is a resting day. Rest well at Mina camp.

Perform Fajr at your accommodation/ hotel. At Mina,  Zuhr and Asr are combined and Qasr (Shortened - only 4 rakaahs to 2) - no Sunnaah/ Nafil. Maghrib and Isha Combined and Qasr - followed by Isha Witr.

Talbiyaah can start after Ihraam - it is said men from Companions of Rasul SAW were saying Talbiyaah in low voices, Jibraeel came and asked Rasul SAW to tell them to say it loudly. Women to say in low voices if among men, if only among women it can be said loudly. Saying Talbiyaah now will stop only on 10th Zul-Hajj after stoning to Big Jamarah is done. Until then it is Sunnaah to say Talbiyaah as much as possible.

Talbiyaah - is reciting aloud from point of entering into State of Ihraam until 10th Zul-Hajj first Jamaraah stoning

Q: What to do on 9th Zul Hajj?
A: This is the day of Arafaat. Rasul SAW said , the day of Arafaat is Hajj. If you miss this day - Hajj is void.  It is the most important Ruk of Hajj. Go to Arafaat after Fajr, but before Zuhr. Spend time in Zikr of Allah Rabbul Kareem. Soften your heart as much as possible to prepare for Waqoof between Zuhr and Maghrib. Best way to soften the heart is to read the Quraan. Plan well what will you ask for in front of Allah. List names of all people who have asked for Duaas- this is the time to keep their trusts and make Duaas on their behalf. This is the day of asking Allah what you cherish most - Janaah, total forgiveness from Hellfire, good life here and hereafter, health , Eeman, Taqwa, Closeness of Allah etc.

Waqoof e Arafaat: Waqoof is so important that you perform your Zuhr and Asr combined and Qasr at time of Zuhr. Waqoof between Zuhr and Maghrib is a Waajib. One need not stand all the time until Maghrib- but it is Sunnaah to do so between Asr and Maghrib - the best hour when Allah gives freedom to most of people from hell-fire. Cry your heart out as Allah is on the lowest heaven listening to your duas. Feel closeness of Allah - pray on behalf of all Hajjis. Pray for Ummah world over. Pray for your family , near and dear ones and especially for acceptance of Hajj.

Best praises are for Allah and Rasul SAW kept reciting this during Waqoof e Arafaat
Waqoof ends with Maghrib time. But Maghrib will not be performed in Arafaat. Leave Arafaat at Maghrib time for Muzdalifah.

Qayaam e Muzdalifah: After reaching Muzdalifah - combine Maghrib and Isha and Qasr followed by Isha Witr. Spend the night (of 10th Zul Hajj actually) in Muzdalifah. There is no Tahajjud during night stay over here. After spending night, offer Fajr Salaat in Muzdalifah, there is Waqoof of Muzdalifah after Fajr - which can be as brief as 1 second and it is considered done.

Rasool SAW granted a concession to the weak among his family, allowing them to leave Muzdalifah at night.

Q: What to do on 10th Zul Hajj?
A: This is day of EId-ul-Azhaa and the busiest, and most tiring of all days of Hajj. Prepare yourself mentally to walk long distances, to get lost, to get foot blisters and to get seriously tired. Alhamdulliah if you take one step, Allah will help you with many - so never get affected by the stories of this day - it's Your Hajj and you will have to undertake it - fully.

So what happens on this day?

There are 4 key rituals to be done on this day - these can be done in any sequence as Rasul SAW affirmed various people doing these in different sequences. Below is sequence done by Rasul SAW(Sunnaah).

1) Pelting of 7 pebbles to Big Jamarah - This can be done after Fajr but before Maghrib. No throwing of pebbles to other two Jamarahs. Takbeer 'Allahu-Akbar' is said before throwing each pebble.

Tabliyaah stops before this stoning. After this Takbeer is recited until the end of the Hajj. Especially Takbeer is said aloud after Farz Salaats.

(Credit with Thanks to http://www.ummulhasanaat.co.za)

2) Sacrifice - it is unlikely you will get to do this yourself. You can assume sacrifice is done by early morning - there is no way to confirm the exact timing unfortunately. Hajj agent may sent you text/ tell you - this should be sufficient as well.

3) Shaving of head (Men) or cutting hair lock (Women)

4) Tawaaf-az-Ziyarah (Also known as Tawaaf-al-Ifaadah, or Tawaaf-al-Hajj) and Saee between Safaa and Marwa

Note: Any 3 of above 4 will allow you to take off Ihraam (All restrictions now lifted except sexual intercourse). Once all 4 are complete - all restrictions are lifted fully.

Return to Mina camp for Qayaam / sleep over. Ideal is reaching before Maghrib - if not at least 1-2 hours before Fajr of 11th Zul Hajj (next day) is necessary. If you reach back to Mina after Fajr of 11th Zul Hajj - then Fidyaah is necessary.

Q: When can Tawaaf-ez-Ziyarah/ Tawaaf-al-Hajj/ Tawaaf-al-Ifaadah and Saee of Hajj be performed?
A: It is Sunnaah to perform it on 10th Zul Hajj before Zuhr.

However, it can be performed from midnight of 10th Zul Hajj , and its end is indefinite. Delaying it beyond the 11th, 12th and 13th of Dhul-Hijjah does not obligate a person to give Fidyaah, but it is disliked. Remember this is a Rukn (Pillar) of Hajj - if this is missed- the Hajj will be void. After Tawaaf, offer 2 Rakaat Salaah behind Maqaam-e-Ibrahim (or anywhere in Masjid-al-Haraam). Drink Zam-zam and perfom the Saee of Hajj. Saee can be delayed to any time before leaving Mecca, there is no stipulated end time to do Saee of Hajj.

Q: What to do on 11th and 12th of Zul Hajj?
A: Both days are spent in Mina camp. Stoning of all 3 Jamaraahs is done on each day , that is 21 stones for each day are needed.

Stoning on these days is done after Zuhr (unlike 10th Zul Hajj where it is done after Fajr).
Stone Small Jamaraah first keeping Kabaa on your left. Then move to left facing Kabaa, and make duaas. Proceed to Middle Jamaraah, keeping Kabaa on your left. Then move to left facing Kabaa, and make duaas. Proceed to Big Jamaraah, keeping Kabaa on your left. No duaas is made after this.

If you do not intend to spend 13th Zul Hajj in Mina, then it is necessary to leave Mina before Maghrib on 12th Zul Hajj. If you stay in Mina after Maghrib of 12th Zul Hall - then Fidyaah will be necessary. In such case you do not want to spend 13th in Zul Hajj in Mina, then you may straightaway proceed to Mecca / your accommodation / Hotel. Your Hajj is complete now.

Q: What to do on 13th of Zul Hajj?
A: This is an optional day because of below Ayaat in the Quraan. Stoning on this day is done after Zuhr (unlike 10th Zul Hajj where it is done after Fajr).

[2:203] You shall commemorate GOD for a number of days (in Mina); whoever hastens to do this in two days commits no sin, and whoever stays longer commits no sin, so long as righteousness is maintained. You shall observe GOD, and know that before Him you will be gathered.

Stone Small Jamaraah first keeping Kabaa on your left. Then move to left facing Kabaa, and make duaas. Proceed to Middle Jamaraah, keeping Kabaa on your left. Then move to left facing Kabaa, and make duaas. Proceed to Big Jamaraah, keeping Kabaa on your left. No duaas is made after this. You may straightaway proceed to Mecca / your accommodation / Hotel. Your Hajj is complete now.

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