Sunday 11 October 2015

Hajj Practical Tips - Introduction, and Items to Pack

I have read a few Hajj guides online and good to see a wealth of information about this important Farz in the life of a Muslim. My objective with this blog is to give future Hajjis an insight into ground level experiences that can give them some ease and comfort.

There are two important points I would like to draw attention to before moving into specific things

1. Hajj in modern times has become at least 10 times easier than it used to be 50 years before. I do remember some Hajjis of my grandparents' era used to go by ships. They did not enjoy comfort of AC and packed food on every step of their journey like we do. The facilities at Hajj were basic then, but above all safety was the biggest concern. Times have moved on. We must first appreciate the luxuries that Allah has bestowed upon us. Hajj is not the time for complaining. Things will go wrong, people will sound or act rude, situation may seem out of hands at times - but have patience. You are doing this for the same of Allah's pleasure so that your efforts are answered and you have a Hajj Mabroor. Best way not to succumb to lowly temptations to complain or crib is to prophesise to your travel mates what you have pledged - that is to have Sabr in all situations, good or bad, and to complete the Hajj without complaining.

2. Always remember - comfort of fellow Muslims is the most important thing for a Muslim during or outside the Hajj. Hurting Muslims knowingly or unknowingly is something that must be avoided at all times as it is despicable act in front of Allah. Always remind yourself about Hadith below during Hajj. Be considerate to all around you , be conscious if anything you do will hurt someone - verbally or physically. Try and share things with fellow Hajjis, give them comfort in the best way you easily can or with some efforts. Always give priority to disabled, weak, elders , kids and women. If you are able bodied then figure out how can you increase your rewards by helping those in need. Always bear in mind, Allah loves the acts which benefit or give comfort to other Muslims - so use times of Hajj to this end to best of your capacity.

Narrated Jabir:

A man passed through the mosque and he was carrying arrows, the heads of which were exposed (protruding). The man was ordered (by the Prophet) to hold the iron heads so that it might not scratch (injure) any Muslim.

(Bukhari Volume 9, Book 88, Hadith 195)

Q: What items should I pack ?
A: Hajj is the time where main priority is Ibaadah and fulfilment of duties of Hajj. All our efforts are focussed on making it Mabroor in the eye of Allah. It is not a holiday making time, nor a relaxing trip for leisure. You carry only what you will need, do not over indulge or be greedy while packing.
I found below was sufficient for me to get along comfortably during Hajj. My advice is to keep luggage to as minimum as possible - never overdo it. It is likely most of items you carry won't even be used.

1. Good quality small backpack. Small yet big enough to hold your footware (you can get a small plastic bag for them that goes into backpack. I ordered another small bag for footware, picture below. It helped me to keep other items clean in backpack), 1-2 one litre water bottles and medicines. Make sure backpack is strong enough to bear pushing and shoving during Tawaaf especially.

Small bag for footware is good investment, along with good quality backpack

2. Medicines etc. Always carry these with you - or most necessary ones.
Some tips on medicines / other edibles.

  • Mint/ lemon losenges rich with Vitamin C. I found sucking on clove also helped me to keep my throat working all the time during Hajj.
  • Fever Management (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen)
  • Infections needing Antibiotics (Most common infection is Throat and Sinus infection)
  • Diarreah (Avoid cheap street food if possible, always buy from a good takeaway)
  • Re-hyderation sachets (to replace lost fluids and electrolytes  - absolute must during Hajj)
  • Foot blisters (yes you will get them - so buy soothing cream, and blister plasters)
  • Foot pain relief (no body can avoid this - so buy good foot relief cream - possibly Ibuprofen based)
  • Soothing / Cooling eye drops
  • Women may think of carrying drugs to delay the periods if necessary.
This list will grow if you need more medicines. Never assume you will get it in Saudi pharmacies - always carry what you need and how much you will need.

Avoid Cigarettes/ eCigs/ Chewing gum, Beetle nut, Paan Masaala or Paan etc. These are bad habits in their own rights- and surely you want to purify yourself going to Hajj. Use Hajj as a milestone to quit a bad habit - Pray for this during Hajj. Allah always guides those who are sincere in their plea for help to Him.

Carry a basic , light first aid kit. I was lucky and didn't have to use it. Perhaps useful to just keep it handy in case you or someone else in group needs it.

Just suggestion. Re-hyderation is key during Hajj with or without having Diarreah

3.Wet tissues. Absolute must for Hajj hence listing as a separate item. Take small handy unscened packets, approx one for every 2 days. Almost universal use - so you will not regret this purchase.

Just Suggestion. Try and get anti-bacterial wipes that are unscented

4.Toiletries etc. I bought a small drawstring gym sack for toiletries etc. It serves two purposes - one it keeping organised, also to hang it on a hook in toilets in Mina/ Arafaat/ Muzdalifaah etc . For women it will make sense to add things to below you may also need.

Having all toiltries in one place helps, in bags like this one
I also found it useful to carry resealable clear plastic bags just to organise small items better. I learnt that they may prove blessing if you have spills/ leaks as well.
Resealable clear plastic bags are very useful

  • Toothbrush and small size toothpaste
  • Cotton ear buds - carry only a few
  • Small size bottles of unscented and scented liquid soap - avoid large quantities
  • Nail clipper, Comb, Small scissors
  • Shaving cream and razor/ shaver
  • Small ball of cotton string cord - it is multi-use item
  • Perfume/ Deo/ Attar
  • Unscented Sunscreen/ Sunblock cream - with SPF 50 or above. I never used this in my life before, but realised it works wonders in 46-47 degree blaze of Saudi.
  • Over door hooks - some toilets in Mina, Arafaat , Muzdalifaah may not have any hooks, or hooks are placed within shower's range. These are also useful in Mina camp to hang your stuff.
  • Good quality emollient ointment , and Vaseline ( I found Diprobase+Vaseline combo works perfect ). Avoid gels or thin creams as they won't be effective. This is especially a must item for men - friction between thighs can seriously hurt so use this often during Hajj.
Over door hooks are useful

Diprobase works to reduce friction between thighs while walking - works better in combination of Vaseline
5.Food. Not all people like Saudi food, I didn't appreciate it fully myself. So carry what makes you comfortable. Food you carry will not go to waste as you can share it with fellow Hajjis at Mina camp. Or you can give it to people staying on roads in Mina or Arafaat. Please read Saudi customs guideline carefully before packing food items.

6.Money. Avoid exchanging money before leaving. Carry cash and exchange in Saudi. I carried £200 (approx 1100 SAR) and it was all good. Then I used ATM there to take out cash - also got good exchange rate. Only down side of using ATM is your bank will charge you fixed amount (normally 2-3 %  ) so if you want to use ATM , think of taking out at least 100 of your home currency.


  • I recommend do not carry expensive phones/ tabs/ laptops. But if you have to then ensure you also carry right power adapter, and possibly a power bank to save you from queue hassles.
  • Durable , light and comforable flipflops - avoid brand new ones as they might bite. So buying ahead of travel to get comfortable is a good idea.
  • Sunglasses - If you have to get prescription sunglasses, you won't regret money spent.
  • Clothes - do not assume you will get laundry service easily in Saudi. There will be queues in and out of your hotel - so carry as much clothes as you may need. It is also good to carry washing powder or bar just in worst case you have to wash yourself at times.
  • Ihraam/ Money belt - buy a good quality one, light yet strong. This is something you can easily get in Saudi as well.
  • Extra Ihraam - good idea to carry just in case other gets dirty. You get this in Saudi as well.
  • Hand and medium size bath towel - do not carry large size towels. Heat is so intense you won't need much of drying during the day in Mina etc.
  • Thick umbrella , cap, sombrero, scarves to protect from heat. Available at cheap rates in Saudi.
  • Water spray bottle to cool yourself and others around you. I regretted not carrying this with me. Available in Saudi easily.
Very refreshing thing I regretted not carrying with me

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